New Measures for 2024 to Protect Southern Resident Killer Whales

Read more about New Measures for 2024 to Protect Southern Resident Killer Whales

By Ruth Joy, Olivia Murphy May 29, 2024

There will be a new area added to the management measures put in place to help recover the endangered Southern Resident killer whales (SRKW) for the 2024 season. You can find a detailed overview of these measures here

In the later months of 2023, a team of researchers in Dr. Ruth Joy’s laboratory at Simon Fraser University were contracted by Transport Canada to complete a project regarding one of the Interim Sanctuary Zones (ISZs) located in the Salish Sea. Two ISZs were created as marine vessel exclusions zones in key SRKW foraging areas to reduce physical and noise disturbances from boats on the vocally-sensitive SRKW. The objective of the project was to assess the effectiveness of the Saturna Island Interim Sanctuary and to recommend any changes be made to it.

Team members at East Point.
Team members at East Point.

The team analysed how both SRKW and marine vessels use the area of interest off of Saturna Island as well as a spatial analysis of vessel noise in the area and received noise levels to SRKW using a movement model. The team also contributed their own spatial data of vessels in the area of interest, which was collected by lab members over the previous years while stationed at East Point, overlooking the Saturna ISZ.

The results of this project found that keeping the current extent of the Saturna ISZ as a total vessel exclusion zone was most effective. Additionally, a vessel speed restriction zone in the nearby adjacent area of Tumbo Channel could potentially reduce the received underwater noise levels to SRKW. Find the full report here.

2024 Gulf Islands New Management Measures.
2024 Gulf Islands New Management Measures.

These regulations are in effect from June 1 – November 30, 2024 and are renewed each year as part of the Interim Order under the Canada Shipping Act. The SRZ in Tumbo Channel will remain voluntary for the trial year. In addition to the ISZs and SRZs, other measures have been implemented to facilitate the recovery of SRKW. Other measures include salmon fisheries closures, vessel approach distances, and large commercial vessel slowdown zones.

Our hope is that these measures and others help in the recovery of the iconic and treasured SRKW.

Team members Olivia, Lauren, Rachel and Mikayla at East Point.
Team members Olivia, Lauren, Rachel and Mikayla at East Point.